Sunday, May 26, 2013

Another day becomes another year

I have never been much for anniversaries. My birthday is just another day most years. It was late in the evening on Tuesday before I even realized it was the second anniversary of my accident. I had to check my own blog to make sure it actually was on the 21st. Reflecting a little this on this blog it has thus far been both a success and a failure. It has been successful in that I was able to chronicle much of the initial experience. What has not materialized so far is further writing on what comes after. If anything this absence stands as a testament to the difficulties of living in my condition while also continuing to pursue my goals. After putting time and energy into maintaining basic health and pursuing grad school, there has been little time left for much of anything.

The latest health setback has required the use of the pain medication that is, of all things, an amnesiac. It disrupts long-term memory recall along with short-term memory storage. I have been trying to write about the experience off and on throughout the process and the words slip through my fingers, my attention wanders, and I find myself doing something else. It it has been absolutely maddening. I expect I will find the words before too long. My health has been steadily improving, and I am much closer to the end of this than I am to its beginning.

I have received a tremendous amount of support in these last two years. To all who have been there with me in body or mind, thank you.



  1. Have you considered offloading the task of updating the blog to some of the people around you? Having the story told from your own point of view and in your own words is priceless, but It'd be acceptable to have mention of current events (such as your recent health setback) posted as simple notes from your loved ones.

  2. considering that it took me this long to read your comment, that may not be a bad idea. I hope to have a new entry up in the next month or two, but I have been saying that for a considerable length of time.

  3. Oh, Craig, I wish I would have known you! How much I missed!
